Sunday, July 20, 2008
Sorry all!!! i for the last few days no time update so my blog gonna die le -.- aiya these few days also no mood update... my mother damn kaobei lor-.-everything also scold meT.T... sian now doing computer studies project... wah damn ****ing hard sia... the stupid access error keep on appearing ...SIAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! today badminton was so enriching lor ... i train like a ****er sia ... non stop doing training... by the time it was half way through the lesson i already like tired like siao le lor-.- Tomorrow is racial harmony day... MRS JACOB BULLY HER FORM CLASS!!!!!!!!! Force us to wear ethics costumes or will get PUNISHMENT!!! and i will promise you that you will not her punishments... her punishments are always the same : essays, essays essays -.- sian sia life i wish i could hit the restart button of my life and start anew... doing all the correct things instead of like now...
9:07 PM
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Yoyo!!! hi all! i am in computer studies lesson now as usual... today teacher never come so i can play computer withourt worries... today have guitar lesson... make up one cause i having guitar exam soon so need to practise more to make the songs perfect!!!! Now very stress sia-.- need to practise one hour of guitar daily sia... pressure-.-Noithing to say-.- suan le! i go play my games le lor... so cya tmr!!!
10:22 AM
Monday, July 14, 2008
Yoyo!!! Today... wah damn tired sia... the stupid SEP thingy play floorball until sian Zzzzzz... Then got guitar lessons-.- the teacher arr... ki siao one lor... play one note wrong scold mi 10 times-.-i wanna ****ing beat him up lor... i'v already tried my besty... why scold mi T.T...Oh yeah... tomorrow have the chinese test and i haven't even glanced at it yet... -.-gave terry 10 bucks...for 10 mill only... stupid terry -.- scam me T.T outside people sell only $0.56 per mill lors... he sell mi like 10 mill 10 bucks leh!!!!aiya gtg le lah...cya tmr>.<
9:10 PM
Yoz people!!! I'm still in school but yet i can post?yeah that is the benefit of computer studies!!! we can use computer to do work but i kinda slack ... I go home then updatye more lah... very dangerous... teacher right behind mi...-.-
10:36 AM
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Yoz people!!!! Long time no see!!! This is my second blog and i am gonna make it betta then the first one wor... Nothing to write...sian... tomorrow start school le...damn ****ing bored during school lor... This week the suayest thing happened to me lor...but it is partially my fault too lah. i got bored with my psp and tried to update it. then after it got updated, i found that all the games could not be played...Zzz... now all i can do it to take some time off and go to a shop that does downgrading and hope that the person can do it sucessfully. Oh yeah! i will be using orange forever cause it is lyk sooo cool!!!!!
7:27 PM
Yu Ting (David)
Secondary 4 of CCKSS comunity
Glowing in my Life
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