Sunday, March 1, 2009
"cough, cough! wah lao eh!! so much dust man!!!" wait arr... i clean up this blog... "spray spray, clean clean, mop mop, throw throw..." wah! finally all cleaned up!!! yo peeps!!! long time no post i know... too busy lah... school work pilling up like trash in a dump... finally found sometime today to post... then post finish le still need to go revise on the new topics taught!!! T.T hard life for me man!!! oh yeah!!! i bought this new CD pack which is called^(the heading) it rawks man!!! there are like 101 songs and it comes in 6 CDs... ok enough about that... i got to go le wor... so much to do, so little time... CYA!!!! ^^ bye bye(bye bye in webdings.. LOL)
1:23 PM
Yu Ting (David)
Secondary 4 of CCKSS comunity
Glowing in my Life
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